Friday, November 2, 2012

Thankful Day 2

Today I am thankful for my home.  I need to say that again.  Today I am thankful for my home. 

Thankful for my lovely 1970's yellow aluminum sided house.  Thankful for the old windows that have condensation on them every morning where my daughters find delight drawing pictures and my husband leaves special notes for me. Thankful that the we have 2 bathrooms but one shower because the girl's shower needs to be fixed. Thankful for the beautiful trees in the yard that will soon dump their leaves.  Thankful for the clutter and mess that always needs to be cleaned.  Thankful for a constant work in progress.  

I love my home but I find myself some days picking it apart. I find myself envious of things that my home doesn't have and cursing when things don't look perfect. (I've mentioned that crazy lady before).  Worrying that someone will look at me different for the paint that is chipped off of doorways and cabinets or that my ceiling fans need to be cleaned. 

Today as I clean I will remind myself that I have so much to be thankful for in this house.  Thankful that I have this home to get frustrated with, thankful that the roof (no matter how old) covers our heads and gives us shelter, thankful for the clutter that shows that people LIVE here.  Thankful for the memories that happen everyday under this roof.


  1. We should all be thankful the homes we have, given what's under water right now. I promise to look at my peeling paint differently today. Thanks

    1. Oh the irony of writing this post and my oven dieing tonight when I put the pizza in. :)

  2. The oven story makes me laugh! Hope that can get resolved quickly :)
